Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Work Of Stanley Kubrick Film Studies Essay
Work Of Stanley Kubrick Film Studies EssayStanley Kubrick became an amateur photographer aft(prenominal) acquire a tv camera as a gift. He became an associate photographer at Look Magazine after selling an photograph of a newsstand after Franklin Roosevelt. after(prenominal) several years as an photographer he went into moving pictures, directing and producing his first piece entitled Day of the Flight in 1950. After this he went on to create two more documentaries entitled The Flying Padre and The Seafarers . Then he started doing feature scoots starting with Fear and Desire, a remove that he later sought out all prints of so that no one could watch them.A film is or should be more corresponding music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The write up, whats behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later Stanley KubrickSome of Stanley Kubricks films use music especially classical to develop an idea. As with Richard StrausssAlso sp rach Zarathustra throughout the film 2001 A Space Odyssey. Classical music dominates the film and some argue that the music tells the story not the characters dialogue. The first and closing stage 20 minutes of the film are consumed by classical music. A Clockwork Orange also effectively uses classical music, the film focuses on Alex Delarge, portrayed by Malcolm McDowell, is a deviant who gets conditioned to become a functioning member of society. The government brainwashes Alex with the Ludovico treatment which conditions him to associate horrific crimes with his favorite symphony Beethovens Ninth until the final scene where he discovers he is no longer under the treatments effect.Sometimes Kubrick used music ironically like in A Clockwork Orange Alex sings sing In the Rain while raping a woman in front of her husband. Andhis film Dr. Strangelove ends withimages of nuclear holocaust are accompanied by Vera Lynns version of the WWII telephone call Well Meet Again. The final sce ne in Full admixture Jacket has the battle hardened Marines singing the theme to The Mickey Mouse Club. 1 of his sig nature shots was The Glare a characters wound up breakdown is shown by a close-up shot of the actor with his head tilted slightly down, only if with his eyes tone up usually directly into the camera. Kubrick also employed wide angle shots, character tracking shots, zoom shots, and shots down tall parallel walls.Entrapment is a theme of Kubricks films. The characters almost always succumb to their inner demons or assailants. Alex DeLarge is rehabilitated as an ultraviolent thug with the help of the government. Jack Torrance is finally conquered by the overlook hotel. The doomsday device kills everyone. capable endings are clearly not acceptable in a Kubrickian fable. Visually, the classic corridor shot is the prime indicator of being completely overwhelmed and dwarfed by your surroundings. Its such a striking technique that communicates so much.Man vs. Technology the ultimate battle is to prove our humanity is superior to machinery. resembling with the conflict between HAL 9000 and the scientist.. the Ludivico technique in clockwork is again an effort to dehumanize alex by obliterating his primal rage through a highly scientific and experimental technique. Full Metal Jacket was Kubricks nominate on the military turning men into killing machines. The sergeant finds Gomer in the bathroom and screams What is your malfunction as if he were not a human with heavy emotional trauma, but a robot.Kubrickcommonly the theme of dehumanization because he was fascinated with the dark side of human nature and not because he view all humans were basically evil. Some prime examples of his trend are The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket. These films explored dark side of the human psyche and the violent nature of human beings. The Shining is about a family that stays at a hotel during the off season to take care of the place. Jack Nicholson plays the father, Jack. Staying with Jack at the hotel is his wife and son. Their son, Danny, has a special psychic abilities which he calls shining.Jack eventually starts to go insane after spending a few months stuck inside a hotel with his family. As the film progresses we see Jack continually break down mentally until he finally snaps and tries to kill his family. The hotel where they stay is haunted and Jack begins to see things and mickle who arent supposed to be there. These supernatural entities are the ones that push Jack over the edge.He was already disturbed before he saw any ghosts but it was the ghosts that influenced him to kill his family. The isolation that Jack felt made him paranoid and he believed he had to kill his family because theywere trying to interfere with him and his job as the caretaker of the hotel. whizz camera shot in particular displayed Jacks descent into madness. It is the glare shot which is a common shot in Kubrick films which tend to show a characters emotional meltdown by showing a close up of the actor with their head tilted down slightly and their eyes looking up nifty into the camera. In the Shining, the glare shot occurs when Jack is staring out a window and viewing a snow covered ground. The camera slowly zooms in on Jack who has demented look on his face.In the first half of Full Metal Jacket, the sergeant, played by R. Lee Ermey, is brutal to the trainees.One trainee in particular gets the brunt of the drill sergeants punishments. Nicked named Private Gomer Pyle, who is played by Vincent DOnofrio, is overweight and slow which makes him a target of the drill instructor. The whole point of the drillinstructor is to make the trainees capable of killing.The drill instructor pushes Pyle so hard that Pyle begins to go insane and eventually he shoots the drillinstructor and thenputs the gun to his head. The film shows how Private Pyle is systematically conditioned to become a slayer. He loses the innocence that he had before arrived at training campand becomes a psychotic killer who kills himself. The second half of the film jumps abruptly to Vietnam, following Joker played by Matthew Modinet. The film climaxes in a battle between Jokers platoon and a sniper screen in the rubble, who is revealed to be a young girl. She almost kills Joker until his reporter partner shoots and severely injures her. Joker then kills her to put her out of her misery. This film was seen by some as a sad example of dehumanization in film.Many of Stanley Kubricks films were nominated for Academy Awards in various categories, including Best Picture forDr. Strangelove,A Clockwork Orange, andBarry Lyndon, and Best Director for2001 A Space Odyssey,Dr. Strangelove,A Clockwork Orange, andBarry Lyndon (seven overall nominations), and 2001 A Space Odysseyreceived numerous technical awards.He would be the first managing director to use the now oft used Steadicam .He would endlessly researching his topics, and going on to produce documentary st yle films that were shockingly real and acknowledged by the bulk who were there, especially with Full Metal Jacket, in which Lee Armey a distinguished military veteran served as technical advisor. Kubrick was notorious for his attention to detail. Reportedly, when working on The Shining he would sometimes film a scene a hundred times. His desire for perfection lead to the delay of some films and others were never made. Like the Napoleon film or the delays in filming Full Metal Jacket. The only film that Kubrick didnt have full auteur control over was SpartacusKubrick , Stanley Full Metal Jacket , 1987 , Warner Bros. Pictures.. 2001 A Space Odyessey 1968, The Shining, 1980, Warner Bros. Pictures A Clockwork Orange, 1972 Warner Bros. Pictures Dr. Strangelove, 1965 Columbia Pictures.. Barry Lyndon 1975, Warner Bros. PicturesRonson, Jon Stanley Kubricks Boxes, 2008 , World of WonderPipolo, Tony. The Modernist the Misanthrope The Cinema of Stanley Kubrick..CineasteSpring 2002 4-49.Patt erson, David W.. American Music, Fall2004, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p444-474Ronson, Jon. The Guardian report Saturday 27 March 2004Perel, Zivah. Literature Film Quarterly, 2008, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p223-232Galenson, David W. Kotin, Joshua. Historical Methods, Winter2010, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p29-44
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